Thursday, November 30, 2006

Harmondsworth riot says a lot about....

The state of so called 'detention centres'. They are actually prisons run by private compnaies (an idiosyncracy of nu labour cunts) whereby 'detainees' are imprisoned while their applications are pending, or awaiting removal from the UK.

It comes as no surprise there was a riot. One former detainee, George Mwangi, decribed the brutality meted out to prisoners: intimidation, racist abuse, and beatings are a common feature of the regime. Why should people be surprised that at some stage people will not accept any more brutality? Ann Owers, the prison inspector stated that the regime was similar to a maximum security prison. In other words, these poor refugees and overstayers are subject to a regime similar if not worse to the hardest nicks in the land. They haven't even committed any crime!

This government really fucking pisses me off. Over the last 2 days i have heard and read stories from Harmondsworth prison and this stupid fucking gov't should be ashamed of itself for locking up people whop have escaped wars, genocide, torture, FGM, religious persecution and many other horrible circumstances. Have they not suffered enough?

There are no votes in treating refugees and immigrants with compassion. Herr Dr Reid only knows toughness, and will beat his chest at any opportunity describing how tough he intends to be on immigrants and refugees.
It is a pity that nu labour pander to the right, it alienates many immigrants and ethnic minorities. We will remember this at the ballot box next time.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kagame:France and the genocide in Rwanda

It never ceases to amaze me the depths the French will go to .
Apparently an investigating magistrate has implicated PAul Kagame, president of Rwanda, in the murder of former president Juvenal Habyarimana.
The French were big sponsors of Habyarimana, a Hutu power stooge, and to this day still mourn the bugger. Anyway, Philip Gourevitch's excellent book: We wish to infrom you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families articulates French duplicity and complicity in the genocide better than i can.

Typical of French foreign policy in Africa.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hizb ut tahrir.

Following recent revelations on newsnight about the activities of these arseholes, it got me wondering about these islamists.
A quick perusal of their constitution reveals their 'desire' for the re establishment of a caliphate, abolished by Ataturk in 1924. One wonders whether living under sharia law would be acceptable to atheists, secularists, non muslims, jews and gays.
These people don't believe in democracy, in fact they refuse to defer to man made laws, and submit to sharia only. They are often found at polling stations asking muslims not to vote( apparently, it's unislamic!) and at demonstrations attacking 'zionists' and American foreign policy.

I wonder what would make a rational human being join a grooup that advocates sharia law, and all its barbaric guises, in to the UK? It is shocking to see these people try and represent themselves as the mainstream. Under sharia law, i wouldn't stand a chance of airing any of my views because i'm a kufr(non believer).

These people want to introduce religious laws just like the Taliban did in Afghanistan. It is frightening to see people brought up in the west and enjoying the benefits of secularism fall prey to medieval thinking.

Here's the hizb constitution: fucking unbelieveable.

Their success in the UK doesn't augur well for women, gays, non muslims, jews, and secularists.
The imposition of medieval laws in any country is a frightening prospect regardless of the religion that advocates it. I wouldn't like HT to be banned, i would rather the media and muslims expose their hideous fundamentalist agenda tothe public.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Polly Toynbee loses her marbles; Republicans take a beating.

On the first issue, it seems that the nu labour lackey of a hack, Polly Toynbee, has completely taken leave of her senses. Or has she?
Her column in the grauniad which is normally full of praise for her reichschancellor and the furher, went one step further and labelled civil libertarians against the intrusive state as middle class psychotics among other things.

I would expect nothing less from Toynbee - descended from toffery- and her love of everything nu labour. She thinks ID cards and CCTV are well supported countrywide. Well, this is labour's poll tax. Just wait for the fucking riots when people have to pay for the database.
I really wonder whom this article was aimed at. Most graun readers are opposed to the database, and dissing your readers won't get you much sympathy. Predictably, Toynbee got what she deserved on the graun's comment is free website.,,1941210,00.html

The standard of journalism at the guardian is deteriorating daily. I have switched to the indy which doesn't infuriate me as much as the graun.

Finally, the GOP has lost the house of representatives, and 3 senate sets. Marvellous, hmmmm.
If only the dems could have done this 2 years ago when the Texan monkey was up for election.
Hopefully, the dems will address issues such as healthcare, poverty, immigrant rights, in their legislative programme. A pullout of Iraq must be top of the agenda, however, Dubya is the ultimate arbiter of all matters foreign. Pity, all those young men and women from poor backgrounds, and civilians will continue to die in this stupid war.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fundamentalist christian was drug using, a Closet homosexual

I must confess, i had never heard of Ted Haggerd until i saw Richard Dawkins' excellent Root of all evil documentary earlier this year. It turns out that he was a fervent homphobe, and was against the supreme court's ruling which stated that laws forbidding homsexuality were unconstitutional. All the while, This christian fundamentalist- a good mate of Dubya- was cavorting with a rent boy, and taking drugs.

My incredulity with this episode has nothing to do with his sexual proclivities, it's the hypocrisy and homophobia that are asociated particularly with conservative christianity.
The Anglican church is on the verge of spliting up because of the liberal stance taken by its north American provinces to appoint gay Bishops. The African bishops have threatened to leave the church, or, whisper quietly, convert to Islam en masse. This has totally freaked the Welsh Wizard in charge of the church in this country. He seeks some sort of accommodation of views... whatever that means. Unfortunately if you are a gay vicar of Bishop, it means they tolerate homophobia.

I have always wondered about christian preachers' obsession with gays, and i have come to the conclusion that most the homophobic clergy , especially in Africa, are closet homosexuals.
It is only a matter of time before another homophobic superstitious preacher is outed.

If only yours truly were wealthy enough to fund a campaign to out these hypocrites.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What's wrong with this country?

I am seriously reconsidering my residence in this country.
According to press reports, the UK leads the world in surveillance of its citizens.
Why and what for? The rise of the stasi in this country should frighten everybody .

It is time we take a stand against state intrusion through: ID cards; DNA databases; NHS database which private companies and the MI5 Stasi will have access to; internment; control orders; curtailing the right to protest within a mile of parliament etc.

Citizens of this country, wake up before reichsfuhrer Blair and his loyal servile MPs in the commons intrude into our lives further. Resist by opting out of the NHS database and refusing to attend your ID card interview when the time comes. Sometimes we have to break the law because the laws are stupid, unjust and vest too much power in this authoritarian government.;jsessionid=BLL3NE5OLLVDZQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2006/11/02/nspy302.xml

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fascist cunt dies.

The last of the apartheid grandees, PW Botha, died yesterday in SA.
The man died still believing in apartheid, and he was responsible for thousands of deaths in south Africa during the fascist era as president.
I'm not one to dance on the grave of dead motherfuckers such as these, but Africa sheds not a tear for racist politicians such as Botha. Good riddance.

I still meet white south Africans in England who moan about crime, AIDS, and affirmative action.
It is time they accepted reality about majority rule. Sometimes the 'crime' argument is code for black rule. Why do they now move to Europe and the Antipodes yet, during the dark days of apartheid, they were content with their lifestyle in a fascist country? They all say that apartheid was wrong- conveniently- but, who voted for the fascist parties in their exclusively white elections?

I have serious misgivings about some aspects of the ANC ruling party in SA but, compared to the horrors of racial superiority in the old days, the ANC s short comings are tiny compared to the facists who ruled SA.