Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Polly Toynbee loses her marbles; Republicans take a beating.

On the first issue, it seems that the nu labour lackey of a hack, Polly Toynbee, has completely taken leave of her senses. Or has she?
Her column in the grauniad which is normally full of praise for her reichschancellor and the furher, went one step further and labelled civil libertarians against the intrusive state as middle class psychotics among other things.

I would expect nothing less from Toynbee - descended from toffery- and her love of everything nu labour. She thinks ID cards and CCTV are well supported countrywide. Well, this is labour's poll tax. Just wait for the fucking riots when people have to pay for the database.
I really wonder whom this article was aimed at. Most graun readers are opposed to the database, and dissing your readers won't get you much sympathy. Predictably, Toynbee got what she deserved on the graun's comment is free website.,,1941210,00.html

The standard of journalism at the guardian is deteriorating daily. I have switched to the indy which doesn't infuriate me as much as the graun.

Finally, the GOP has lost the house of representatives, and 3 senate sets. Marvellous, hmmmm.
If only the dems could have done this 2 years ago when the Texan monkey was up for election.
Hopefully, the dems will address issues such as healthcare, poverty, immigrant rights, in their legislative programme. A pullout of Iraq must be top of the agenda, however, Dubya is the ultimate arbiter of all matters foreign. Pity, all those young men and women from poor backgrounds, and civilians will continue to die in this stupid war.


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