Monday, November 06, 2006

Fundamentalist christian was drug using, a Closet homosexual

I must confess, i had never heard of Ted Haggerd until i saw Richard Dawkins' excellent Root of all evil documentary earlier this year. It turns out that he was a fervent homphobe, and was against the supreme court's ruling which stated that laws forbidding homsexuality were unconstitutional. All the while, This christian fundamentalist- a good mate of Dubya- was cavorting with a rent boy, and taking drugs.

My incredulity with this episode has nothing to do with his sexual proclivities, it's the hypocrisy and homophobia that are asociated particularly with conservative christianity.
The Anglican church is on the verge of spliting up because of the liberal stance taken by its north American provinces to appoint gay Bishops. The African bishops have threatened to leave the church, or, whisper quietly, convert to Islam en masse. This has totally freaked the Welsh Wizard in charge of the church in this country. He seeks some sort of accommodation of views... whatever that means. Unfortunately if you are a gay vicar of Bishop, it means they tolerate homophobia.

I have always wondered about christian preachers' obsession with gays, and i have come to the conclusion that most the homophobic clergy , especially in Africa, are closet homosexuals.
It is only a matter of time before another homophobic superstitious preacher is outed.

If only yours truly were wealthy enough to fund a campaign to out these hypocrites.


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