Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I apologise for the strong language used, i'm incredibly wound up by several things i have read on the net.
Authoritarian, liar, hypocrite, smug middle class motherfucker. Fuck hima nd his servile new labour party. I am sick and tired of new labour's legislative agenda: the infrigement of civil liberties and human rights.
How long will this go on for? Would a written constitution ensure our rights as citizens are safeguarded from miniserial prerogative in the palace of westminster?
The answer to both those question is yes. I cannot foresee any change in direction form the Scottish presbetyrian when he ascends to the helm. The damage has already been done by reichschancellor Blair, Brown will just take up the batton and proceed as normal.

No hope for the rest of us: ID cards, rights to protest curtailed, ASBOs etc.
There are too numerous to mention, i wonder what sort of society this will be in 10 years time.
Blair will be on the lecturing circuit in America-paying off his mortgage- and Brown will be a one term PM. I actually think the tories wouldn't have gone so far with authoritarian legislation due to the large number of civil libertarian MPs. Labour rebels stand true to the old virtues of the party, opposing the hideous agenda of the reichchancellor on things like education, religious incitement, etc.

Has anybody else heard of the regulatory and legislative reform Bill?
No, neither did i until i read an article in thenew law journal. The bill proposes drastic powers to amend, or introduce legislation without the consultation of parliament. What the fuck is goin on in this country?

Fuck you Blair, stupid cunt.


At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His Wife is worse. She talks on issues she knows nothing about (such as MMR vaccinations) and sadly people publish and broadcast her views because of who she is and how intelligent one assumes her to be. Moreover, she looks like an ugly version of Cruella De Vil.

At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Blair punisher of the poor and disabled. Death is too good for this evil bastard.


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