Tuesday, February 14, 2006


ID cards legislation has sailed through after servile MPs(with the notable exception of the usual rebels) helping a stranded PM prevail yesterday.
I have often repeated my assertion that new labour are authoritarian CUNTS and this confirms it. How will this big brother scheme work? Does the public realise what the contens of the databse are going to be ?
49 separate pieces of information in the database, no approximation of the cost to citizens- Indeed, the gov't is hiding behind commercial sensitivity and thus, failing to reveal the cost; How is it possible to update all this information? Will Irish citizens be required to carry the card?

I'm so disgusted by this hideous legislation, Bob Marshall Andrews QC, summed up how i feel about the legislation: It is a bad bill.
It won't work, i won't pay for my civil liberties to be infringed by authoritarian, wankers like Blair and Brown.


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