Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Raila must not be allowed to destroy Kenya

Raila Odinga, the so called champion od democracy in Kenya, is inciting pogroms against the Kikuyu in Kenya. Time and again he has refused to diffuse the violence by proclaiming himself the winner, and urging his supporters to 'demonstrate' against the result of the presidential election.

It really makes me sick that he is hailed as a democrat. This man was responsible for the coup d'etat of 1982 in which air force officers attempted to seize power in the country backed by one, Raila Odinga. How does he suddenly become a democrat who abides by electoral law? His incitements against Kikuyus will not stop until he seizes power by any means- including civil war.
What Kenya needs is talks between Kibaki and Raila mediated by Africans.
Raila must drop his demand that he will not talk unless Kibaki says he lost the electin. That really says a lot about the man, and i'm sick and tired of the press portraying him as an Al Gore African equivalent.

The porgroms in Eldoret and Narok against Kikuyus are a consequence of Raila's intrasigence. He has no respect for the rule of law along with his genocidaire supporters who burned Kikuyus seeking sanctuary in a church in Eldoret.
How on earth can Raila claim the government is incting violence when scenes reminiscent of Rwanda in 1994 are playing in the Rift valley? Those poor Kikuyus were killed because of their ethnic origin and no other reason. The rampaging mobs must be stopped by deploying security forces to protrect them from barbarians intent upon genocide.

I am so angry i'm unable to sleep. Raila's suppoerters have burned down property in Kisumu, killed PNU supporters, and looted without restraint from their political leaders. Tomorrow's rally must be stopped at all costs, because it could mean more pogroms against the Kikuyu after the rally's end and more of Raila's incitement.

Why should the country be held ransom by Raila Odinga? He should follow the laws of Kenya and seek restitution against his alleged electoral grievances in the courts.
This attempt at revolution by Raila- must be something he learned in communist GDR- will only reslut in bloodshed.