I support the Kenyan LGBT.
The world social forum held in Nairobi last week, also counted as an opportunity for the Kenyan Lesbians, gays, transgender and transsexuals to demand their rights as human beings.
It didn't take long for the homophobes to also vent their anger at the gay community demanding their rights. Many have suggested that Kenya's archaic laws- an inheritance from Victorian Britain- should be used to incarcerate these people.
Why are religious groups so concerned with the consensual sex of adults?
It is NOT the role of the state or church to impose its morality on consenting adults. I suggest the Kenyan gov't repeals all homophobic laws and steps into the 21st century. Archbishop emeritus Desmon Tutu is vehemently opposed to homophobia in Africa. He equates it to racism and all other forms of discrimination. It is time Kenyans woke up and realised there is an elephant in the room: homosexuality has been with us since the dawn of man and is here to stay.