Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bnp terrorist cunts caught with explosives

What? You mean you missed it......
Amidst a sea of hysteria surrounding veils, and clashes in leafy Windsor, it seems that a propective candidate for the bnp local elections was arming himself with crude weapons presumably to attack 'ethnics' in Lancashire.

I 'm surprised that the media hasn't bothered to report this story. Shame on you BBC, C4, ITV - though i don't really expect much from itv news- for not even reporting the story.

Imagine if the arrested men were Asian/ black or nature forbid it, MUSLIM!

How would our lovely dailies have covered it? It seems that many people forget about the white terrorists of the past. david copeland was one such fascist cunt. He was a member of the fascist bnp, and the ignoramus bombed Brixton, Brick lane and Soho.

Such was his hatred of blacks, gays, Asians, he wanted to cause maximum casualties by inserting nails into his bombs. This ignorant cunt lived in a bedsit alone, never had any realtionships, and was shocked to discover Brixton was a diverse part of London.

These are the sort of inadequate, illiterate simpletons that the fascists recruit.
No doubt the two cunts arrested in Lancs are similarly of low IQ, and have never been beyond Lancashire in their sad fascist lives.

I hope the courts make an example of these fuckers and incarcerate the buggers for an indefinite period without parole. To compound their misery, they should be housed in any prison with a large black of Asian population.