Happy birthday Suu Kyi
Why doesn't the world seem togive a shit about the people of Burma living under the most oppressive regimeon earth? It is shocking that companies are still trading in Burma, China obviously turns a blind eye tothe suffering of the Burmese and trades with the junta, it is time we stepped upsanctions against the junta in Burma.
The most prominent voice against the regime has been Aung sun Suu Kyi; an Oxbridge educated leader of the national legaue for democracy. When the military junta seized power after Suu Kyi's NLD had triumphed in the elections, many thought the situation would onlylast a few years. Here we are 16 years on: Burma isn't free; Suu Kyi is under house arrest; companies also deem it morally right to trade in such a nasty country.
Where did it go wrong? Has the media's obsession with Israel/Palestine meant that some countries deserve noor little coverage? Yes. It is about time the security council put sanctions ( South African style) to destroy the junta.
China and ASEAN nations have their role to play. The isolation of SA worked because neighbouring countries were against the apartheid machine. It is time the world got its act together and destroyed this regime( through peaceful means) once and for all.
Happy birthday Suu Kyi, we remember your role in the fight for democracy in Burma..