ID cards: The new poll tax.
Following the news,6903,1494944,00.html that the new ID card scheme is scheduled to cost each individual £300, i wonder why the government thinks will be accepted by the general population.
£300 is a substantial amount to pay for your civil liberties to be infringed by this authoritarian government. The gov't is underestimating the anger amongst British people about this scheme.
I will not pay for an ID card, i will not register for one either. I am an ID refusenik and there are millions of people who will defy this new law if it comes into force at the end of the year or early next year.
This is labour's poll tax. Id cards don't reduce terrorism or stop it. Madrid, Paris, Nairobi are examples of cities which have an id card scheme, but it did not stop the terrost attacks.
ID cards do not stop illegal immigration either. Spain recently announced an amnesty for its illegals, and up to 1 million people registered for new work permits under the amnesty.
Tell us reichschancellor Blair, the id card scheme did not halt the 1 million illegals in Spain, did it?
As for the often repeated claim that ID cards will cut benefit fraud, most benefit fraud is a result of lying about circumstances. The card will not cut fraud.
Stop this orwellian nightmare before it gets out of hand.